Is It Possible to Reduce Belly Fat with Yoga? Yoga for Weight loss.

rajesh kumar
7 min readMay 4, 2021
yoga and weight loss

Yoga for Weight loss — Poor lifestyles, unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activity, and excessive stress levels all lead to builds up belly fat. The wider your abdomen, the higher the risk.

Often people ask a question that is it possible to reduce belly fat with yoga? Sure! Let’s talk here about some yogasanas that will help you lose weight.

A good combined with consistent exercise is what you need to do to

lose belly fat. But you can also do yoga. Yoga will not only allow you to

reduce the amount of belly fat, but it will also allow you to control your body and mind like never before.

Yoga came to us from Eastern culture. Since ancient times, it has

been practiced all over the world, used as a means of cleansing the mind,

strengthening the body.

Now yoga is extremely popular. So, let’s see what yoga can offer us

for weight loss?

Yoga and calorie burning

Practitioners spend a very small amount of calories — about 2–4

every minute. For a full workout lasting 45–50 minutes, a person loses about 100 calories. This is equivalent to taking a slow, leisurely walk, doing simple household chores like cleaning.

It is not worth hoping that regular exercises will save you extra

pounds in a month. To burn one kilogram of fat (7000 calories), you will have to exercise for more than 50 hours continuously.

Contraindications and warnings

Yoga for weight loss of the abdominal fat needs some caution. So it is

better to start practicing under the supervision of an experienced yoga

instructor. He/She will tell you about the features of each pose of yoga that help to avoid injuries, sprains, dislocations etc. Self-study without preliminary preparation at home can turn into a trip to the emergency ward. To reduce this likelihood, you need to pay attention to contraindications. These contraindications are classified as chronic or acute diseases. In addition to them, there are several temporary conditions in which yoga is not recommended.

These include:

  • cancer
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract
  • displacement of intervertebral discs

* hernia.

  • traumatic brain injury
  • hypertension (heart disease)
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • pneumonia
  • fever
  • pregnancy starting from the third month.
  • rehabilitation period after surgery (from 3 to 6 months)
  • recent heart attack or stroke
  • colds
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Yoga exercises for reducing the abdominal size can be performed both in

special classes and at home.

Beginners should keep in mind that it is best to work with a trainer

for the first time so that he will help with the correct execution of the asana


Precautions are needed in order to not harm your health.

It is advisable to get at least a few lessons from a specialist in

order to perform exercises for slimming the abdomen at home so that he can explain the technique of performing some asanas for weight loss.

For a flat belly –

With the help of yoga, you can get rid of obesity. Regular

practicing allows you to maintain ideal proportions, eliminating pumping, as during training in the gym. Practices imply the harmonious development of all muscles, as well as maintaining spiritual balance and balance of human vital energy.

Now there are a huge number of people whose conversations and

thoughts revolve only around how they have a lot of excess weight and how to start losing weight after all if nothing works.

How to do yoga to lose weight?

Overweight people want to get rid of the hated kilograms as soon as

possible. Therefore, they are looking for effective yoga courses for slimness,

flat stomach, waist, various home workouts, and more.

Apart from this, the weight management instructor may suggest using

different breathing techniques or asanas to control the condition.

Tips for beginners (Where to begin?)

Beginners should be careful because the hardest part of any workout is getting started. For this purpose, talk to a specialist. Decide on the time either set aside 20 minutes in the morning or 30

minutes in the evening. Find a comfortable shape that should be pleasant for your body. Study the relevant literature. Learn basic postures, principles, definitions, and breathing practices. Watch educational videos, follow breathing lessons, analysis of typical mistakes when performing asanas, etc. Enlist the support of like-minded people.

The next tip is to be systematic. A pleasant environment, favorite music, beautiful sportswear will help. Practice should be perceived as a pleasant pastime. The main advice for beginners is not to strive to lose weight. Try to lose weight with the help of yoga. The practices are aimed at changing the psycho-emotional background.

Yoga can help with the control of emotions, problems, and stress.

The main condition is parallel work with an experienced psychologist. Only regular, technically correct workouts, including a wide range of exercises and approved by a weight loss specialist, will bring good and long-term results.

To make your stomach flat and fit, to lose weight, there are some asanas, that need to implement quickly and efficiently.

Consistent execution

Only consistent execution will bring good results. You shouldn’t

expect colossal changes after the first execution. Optimal — to perform the

complex about three times weekly. The duration, the number of repetitions is not so important. The main thing is strict adherence to the execution technique.

Focus on muscle-strengthening poses

Yoga has many different directions, ramifications, offering its system of exercises. Some techniques are more focused on the psychological

component, others — on the physical.

People who want to strengthen the body are better off choosing

practices with a lot of static exercises. For those who want to first change

the spiritual state, meditative, and relaxing practices are suitable.

For weight loss, practices that include intense breathing exercises that give the body a cardio load, which helps to quickly get rid of excess calories, are ideal.

Do not hurry

Each pose should be performed slowly because sometimes people

get injured due to their inattention, fatigue, and nervousness. Yoga should

relax, give a charge of strength, and peace of mind.

You need to start with a detailed study of the basic poses. It is very important to do them correctly, to remember the position of the feet,

spine, and pelvis. This will make it easier to navigate during a full course.

Try to eat like yoga

Always monitor the quality of food consumed.

Carefully pay attention to food composition.

Try to give up everything unnatural.

Give most of it for vegetables and plant foods.

Yoga poses for slimming the Abdomen

Naukasana (Boat Pose)

Draw a parallel with the boat as you do this asana. It works in the same way, and the diaphragm zone becomes the base for balancing the body.

If you’re having trouble shedding that stubborn fat, here’s what will give you visible results. Do not execute this asana in the cases of inguinal hernia, and spinal injury.

Surya-Namaskara (Sun salutation)

It contains twelve yoga positions and everyone has a profound effect on your entire body. It involves bending forward with backward, you to do a full stretch, while deep breathing during these asanas helps flush out toxins from the body.

Practice this Asana daily in the morning facing the sun for maximum benefit. If you practice it constantly, you will be able to feel healthier and more energetic.

Women should not perform this complex during their menstrual cycle. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before starting it. Make a strategic distance from this, if you are suffering from hypertension, lumbago, and heart disease.

Other than this, it gives sufficient abdominal muscles stretching and acts as a catalyst to reduce surplus fat.

Padahastasana (Standing forwarded bend)

In this kind of asana, you need to bend forward, and your

abdominal muscles contract which leads to fat reduction.

Accordingly, this position will allow you to tone your abdominal muscles and get rid of fat in this area.

Padahastasana improves digestion as your abdominal muscles are

toned, strengthens the wrist joints, eliminates physical and mental fatigue.

Spine disease suffers not try to do this asana.

Ushtrasana (Camel pose)

The stretch you experience when you bend backward, touching your

ankles with your hands, is very helpful in toning your abs. The tension that

your abdominal muscles are experiencing while doing Ushtrasana disappears, but you also do a very good stretch. It improves posture, relieves fatigue, menstrual discomfort, and strengthens back muscles.

Uttanpadasana (Raised legs pose)

This pose can be helpful to burn fat in the lower abdomen. It destroys the fatty tissue that many women accumulate in the abdomen (particularly during pregnancy). It is capable to relieve stomach problems such as acidity and constipation and relieves back pain, improves blood circulation, increases the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

This pose is ideal for toning your abdominal muscles and it also

has a very positive effect on your posture that stretches back muscles that stimulates the muscles in the neck and abdomen.

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

The exercise resembles a squat. Starting position — standing on

both legs. With an inhalation, you need to bend your knees, do a light squat.

Raise your hands above your head. The delay is 30 seconds.

Make sure that the back is straight, there is no pain in the lower back and neck.

Lose Weight Naturally.

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rajesh kumar

Rajesh kumar is a passionate writer and has already written various articles on topics involved to ayurvedic treatment for men and women health.