rajesh kumar
4 min readMay 3, 2021


Weight Problem
Weight Problem

Weight Problem: An Ayurvedic Solution

The problem of excess weight: we solve it with the help of Ayurveda Being overweight is not, in itself, a serious medical condition. However, how many problems it creates! And not only to the beautiful half of humanity but also to men. And it’s not just about appearance (after all, we all want to be slim). Being overweight, as a rule, shortens life, reduces its quality, creates a predisposition to diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, and lowers libido. Ultimately, being overweight makes a person less happy. To a large extent, excess weight is caused by the socioeconomic problems of society.

From an Ayurvedic point of view, any form of obesity arises from the fact that a person eats too much, sits too much, and moves too little.

In general, being overweight is a Kapha disorder. Obese people have a strong digestive fire, but the cellular fire in tissues is relatively weak. As a result, any excess food or calories they consume is not burned but converted into adipose tissue — the fat of subcutaneous adipose tissue, which leads to weight gain and obesity.

Other reasons for being overweight include certain hereditary factors such as overproduction of growth hormone, pregnancy after which many women are unable to lose weight, snacking between meals, stress that can cause repeated “bouts” of emotional eating, which can cause significant weight gain.

Certain medications, including steroids, birth control pills, and insulin, alter your metabolism and can cause weight gain. Obesity is often associated with drug addiction, including alcohol and smoking.

However, the main factors, as a rule, are still overeating, lack physical activity — “products” of today’s civilization — and unconscious eating. Very rarely do we eat consciously and carry out the real nutritional process — to provide the cells of our body with nutrients.

It seems that the wider our possibilities, the less we think about the great gift of life, contained in every bit of food. As a result, no matter how many calories we consume, our body and spirit remain hungry .

General recommendations

Keep track of your diet. The first step in weight loss at all times is to control yourself while eating. Eat a Kapha calming diet.

Avoid cold drinks (they quench the digestive fire) and fried foods.

Minimize your intake of dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, ice cream.

Be sure to include low-oil salads and legumes in your diet. Instead of chilled drinks, drink hot water (even if you don’t like it) — either just like that or in the form of herbal teas such as ginger, mint, or cinnamon.

If you like meat-based food, you can eat a little chicken or fish once a month, but no beef, or pork.

Exercise regularly . You should walk at least 30 minutes daily.

Do some aerobic exercise, such as light jogging.

Usually, overweight people hate jogging, but they should at least walk quickly, preferably with weights (a small weight on their arms and legs).

Swimming is also a very good activity in this situation.

In general, stick to the simplest arithmetic — when you consume more calories than you burn, your weight increases. Therefore, to lose excess weight, you need to burn more calories than you are entering your body.

In practice, this means two things: lower calorie intake and increase energy expenditure.

Eat a Kapha-reducing diet and exercise daily. Always pay attention on it that after exercise, also do not drink cold drinks, which slow down the metabolism and thus nullify the benefits of your exercise.

Ofcourse, replace them with hot herbal teas, which are both good thirst quenchers and metabolism-boosting ones.

If you are overweight, it is better to skip breakfast or replace it with a cup of herbal tea, and eat a light meal at noon — this meal should be the most abundant during the day.

Dinner should be also light. And avoid snacking between meals. If you cannot refuse a hearty breakfast, then eat a light lunch and a very light dinner, or even better, refuse dinner.

Listen to the music. Listen to soft music while eating and chew your food thoroughly. Eating moderate meals should become a habit. Drink hot water with honey.

Whenever you feel hungry, drink a cup of hot water with a teaspoon of honey and 10 drops of lemon.

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rajesh kumar

Rajesh kumar is a passionate writer and has already written various articles on topics involved to ayurvedic treatment for men and women health.